The West Woodbridge Homeowners Association, Inc. (The WWHA, Inc.) and local residents continue to work with the City of Vaughan and landowners who would like to develop or redevelop their land.
Our vision for West Woodbridge includes place making, public realm, heritage, walkability, parks and how they work with public transit, height, density & growth, sustainability & parkland. Building a complete community, while taking all factors into consideration.
Official Plan Amendment Application
5655 - 5781 Highway 7 and
770 - 7714 Martin Grove Road
Martin Grove and Highway 7 Landowners are proposing to redevelopment their approximately 17-acre site, into a mixed-use master plan development.
An Official Plan Amendment Application (File OP.22.007) to redesignate the lands to High-Rise Mixed-Use is currently under review by the City of Vaughan.
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment
Vicinity of Kipling Avenue and Woodbridge Avenue
2232394 Ontario Inc. is proposing to development the lands located at Kipling Avenue and Woodbridge Avenue, to two residential rental apartment buildings with a total of 219 rental unites and FSI of 2.16.